Be Still and Happy Anniversary!

Today marks the anniversary of Grace and Grit's first blog post (you can read it here). In some ways it is hard for me to accept a year has passed already, but in other ways I feel like I've been a shelter house manager for years. My desire to be here is just as strong, if not stronger, than it was a year ago today!

A few of you have asked me how I feel about my job, "now that the shine has worn off." Well, there have been days when I've come home and needed to be alone to process an experience or to come to terms with a mom's choice that I thought was wrong. There are days I've had my plans thrown out the window because someone had a crises of some kind (ER visits, moms in labor, emotional breakdowns, new moms arriving, families leaving unexpectedly, court appearances, bike's and wallets being stolen, kids going missing, earthquakes, power outages, etc, etc, etc). There have been days I've cried, I've felt my heart break, I've been angry, I've been overwhelmed, I've faced darkness, I've misunderstood, I've been wrong, I've struggled with pride, and I've even burned dinner.

I still know I'm called to be here,
I still love what I do,
I'm still growing,
I still see miracles happening,
I still love each and every mother and child that walks through the door,
I still have a lot to learn,
I am still amazed I get paid to do this job, and
I still believe God is good, all the time.

Here but by the grace of God go I.
I cannot wait to see what this next year is going to be like!!!

Lord, you are my God;
I will honor you and praise your name.
You have done amazing things;
you have faithfully carried out
the plans you made long ago.
The poor and the helpless have fled to you
and have been safe in times of trouble.
You give them shelter from storms
and shade from the burning heat.
- Isaiah 25:1,4


  1. "I've even burned dinner."

    Hahahaha. :)

    Love that you are exactly where God has placed you, and where he has designed you to be.

  2. Ditto for Sarah's comment! Love the way God loves and guides his kids! Love and blessings as you begin a new year with The Sheepfold Joanna Joy!


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