Ebenezer, Part 2

...Many of you who know me know that for the past 15 years I've been interested in working with at-risk populations. I felt especially drawn to juvenile delinquents, foster children, and grieving children who've lost an immediate family member. I had many opportunities to volunteer within these groups; Comfort Zone Camp, AWANA, OC Youth Guidance Center, Juvenile Hall, Babysitting, Character First, Rancho Santa Marta Orphanage, YUGO Zapata, Guatemala City, Bernal, Mexico City, Singapore... to name a few of the memorable ones. :-) Yet for all the volunteer opportunities I still felt like I was missing out on something! I wanted more and I wanted it full-time.

Although I had a full-time job that was challenging I looked forward to my volunteer night and weekend jobs to carry me through the everyday 9-5. I do not regret my time spent in a cubicle, especially now that it seems it's already been ages ago! But it was disappointing to search and search for a full-time job in my field of interest and not see anything pan out. Many times I was frustrated, asking God why He gave me a calling and then seemed to provide no way to fulfill it. A wise woman once pointed out to me that I was indeed serving in my calling, just not in a capacity that had a paycheck. I could see the truth in what she said, but it didn't make my frustrations go away. Nor did my desire for something more all-encompassing and epic diminish.

Then one day last Summer a switch got flipped inside my brain and heart. Some embers that had long been smoldering and fading started to glow hot. I started to feel like change was coming, BIG change, and I knew I wanted to be ready! I noticed my wants and needs changing first, then how I saw my future, then I stopped caring about the what/when/how/where's of my life path. What took the place of all that clutter and static was an open heart and mind. A moldability and readiness for whatever, and I really mean whatever, God had in store for me. I felt like I was walking around with "Bring it on" tattooed on the inside of my eyelids.

Then in one week three people, independently of each other, approached me and asked if I had considered applying at The Sheepfold. Coincidence? I'm learning more and more that "coincidences" rarely turn out to be coincidences. I knew what The Sheepfold was, or at least I had some idea so I checked it out. Their website didn't say they had any openings so I left a voicemail at their office. I received a call back from a woman who told me she wasn't sure if they were hiring or not but that I could submit a resume. I sent my resume off to the address she provided and a day later received a response back asking me if I would be willing to visit one of the shelter homes to see what they are all about.

I visited the shelter in the first week of July. It was an intense experience that I still really struggle to put into words. I felt drawn to and scared of the shelter at the same time. Taking a position at one of those homes could not be something I took lightly. I would have to KNOW I was meant to work there. It would mean high-stakes, all-or-nothing, no-holds-barred...well, you get the picture.

So me being me, I sat with my smoldering embers of thoughts and waited... I expected something like a flashing neon sign to indicate "Yea JJ. I God your Father in heaven hast called thee to this place and so now this work ye must do. So let it be written." Side note, yes I expected God to use neon signage and nicknames yet speak as if we were in the 17th century. Surprisingly my flashing sign did not appear. So I waited and continued searching other opportunities.

The more I searched the more discontented I became with the other options. No non-profit organization fit the bill, no mission statement was succinct enough, no group home or shelter was...The Sheepfold. Three months later I ran across a house manager job posting on Craigslist for The Sheepfold. I went for an interview with two of the OC house managers and then another interview with the Executive Director. At the end of this last interview I was asked, "Do you want to work here?" I took a breath and looked for my sign... what I discovered was that the embers that had been burning had turned into flames. Not a roaring fire, but definitely ignited. I felt a pang in my heart at the thought of not working there and I knew that God had answered my questions in the stillness of my own heart. He had given me a heart for ministry and a heart for The Sheepfold. If that question had been asked a year ago I think I would have said, "I'm sorry, but this isn't for me." Six months ago I think I would have been weighing the pros and cons and hesitating. But not now and not in that moment of realization. I said YES!

I'm sorry this post is so long, but there was so much involved in getting to where I am now and I feel compelled to share this experience. One last thing I need to share before I wrap up for the night.

A couple weeks after I said farewell to my old coworkers and had officially begun as a House Manager I got a letter. The letter stated that all the House Managers were going to be getting a raise in December. The new income was going to work out to be slightly higher than what I was making at my old desk job. I had a small freak-out moment in my head. God came through! Why was I feeling shocked and surprised? Why did I doubt that what God had CALLED me to do He would also ENABLE me to do? Every day this is becoming more and more clear to me. Each week as a House Manager brings with it a whole new set of inadequacies that become apparent to me. Yet the more inadequacies I see the more I see God working through me. I have found it so much easier to praise God when I'm acknowledging how much I need His grace.
"...And I am sure of this, that he who began a good work in you will bring it to completion at the day of Jesus Christ." Philippians 1:6


  1. "the more inadequacies I see the more I see God working through me."

    Amen, Joanna! I am right there with you on this one even today!

    May God bless the desire of your heart and continue to grow and sanctify you according to His goodness and grace. Thank you for sharing your life with us.

  2. Thank you Cinda and Sarah! I'm happy to find some people actually read the long posts. ;-)

  3. Great stuff JJ. Thanks for sharing. Keep it up!

  4. It's always cool to see how God carries us from Point A to Point B, especially when Point B is somewhere we may never have gone of our own volition.


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