2020 Change is Gonna Come

Goodbye to a place I once called hom e Now to a new strangers place, to learn Learn how to live on my own Yet I yearned for just a stable home I had never felt so alone Accompanied by two new black garbage bags With a couple rags, and old memories Goodbye to my friends with just These two black garbage bags and some accessories " It'll be ok," my caseworker assured As I was lured into the system Swallowed by the courts Consumed by the placements Goodbye to a place I once called my home. - by AHTIYA As some of you may know, last year we began the process of becoming trained and cleared to house transitional youth. These are young adults who have “aged out” of foster care, who are currently experiencing homelessness. This is a group that both Josh and I have felt a call to serve and partner with for a long time. It must be so scary and lonely to turn 18 and be forced to survive in a world that offers little to no support system. I am excite...