Kid Conversations

If you were a fly on the wall tonight you would have heard some interesting conversation around our dinner table. One of our (or should I say MY) favorite games to play after dinner is trying to come up with the grossest...yet still combinations we can think of. The winner receives the satisfaction of seeing the hilarious expressions on all of the losers faces as they imagine what the winner's combination would actually taste like. ;-) *No actual octopi were harmed in the making of this cake Tonight the winning combinations were tied between Chunky Lobster Fruit Smoothies and Octopus Topped Cake with Ink Frosting. I guess we were on a seafood kick. You're welcome. Chunky Lobster Fruit Smoothie anyone? :-) Also, sometimes kids misunderstand things in very unique ways. I submit for your enjoyment the following conversation: Me - "Would you like some boysenberry jam on your toast?" *child looks at me appalled* 5 yr Old Girl - "No thank y...