The Best Day You Never Had

One thing we do exceptionally well here at The Sheepfold is a special occasion. Whether it's a birthday, baby shower, Thanksgiving, Christmas, or graduation, we go all out with the help of our wonderful supporters! I loved spending Christmas morning here and it will always be a treasured memory ( click here to read that story ). But Christmas has not been the only awesome day we've celebrated. You can't tell but there's 110 gifts under that tree! Today we threw a baby shower for one of our new moms. I will call her Naomi. I made her and her children's favorites: Ceviche Tostadas, barbecue ribs, horchata, and blue cupcakes. Naomi is having a boy so we went with a circus theme (all decorations and gifts were donations). We had favors, balloons, a cake, streamers, and LOTS of gifts. Naomi received some cute baby boy clothes in all different sizes, a new diaper bag, baby blankets, as well as some beauty supplies and satin pajama's for herself. She ...